Icicle Station Shuttle Services
We provide shuttle services to and from Amtrack's Icicle Station to all local Hotels, Cabins, Airbnbs and B&B.
The fare is $11 per person each way within the city limits. We have numerous passengers during the holiday seasons and having our drivers process credit cards can be very time consuming. In order to make your travel experience better, we ask that you have cash available for day of service. We do provide service out of the immediate city area of Leavenworth, WA. Please note that pricing will vary based on location.
Your Reservation can be placed by calling 509-548-7433 or using our online form. It is best to call when you have your dates and times for your acties reserved. ​
7:18 * AM Train
Pick Ups Begin:
6:45 AM to 7:00 AM (Spring, Summer, & Fall)
6:00 AM to 7:00 AM (Winter)
Pickups start at the west end of town and move towards the train station at the northwest end of town.
*If you are arriving from the East on the 7:18 AM Train, please book in advance. Thank you.
8:17 PM * PM Train
For arrivals, we are always at the station waiting for you! If the train is late and we are not at the station, please call 509-548-7433.
* If you are departing on the 8:17 PM Train heading East, please book in advance. Thank you!
To book a trip by train, contact Amtrak at www.amtrak.com or 1-800-872-7245. The train is not known for its timely arrivals, so be sure to have some flexibility in your schedule.